Well, I Laughed
Excessive Force pt.2: March to May
A podcast on workers rights and the labor movement! Striking workers and unsafe working conditions, a uniquely American story. This week, Grant explores two historic moments in the labor rights movement. The Haymarket Riot in Chicago and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in New York. We learn more about Albert Parsons and Lucy Parsons, Clara Lemlich, and even get a surprise appearance from gilded age aristocrats. Discover the meaning behind May Day in today’s episode, March to May!
Photos Referenced:
Strike Banner | Another Strike Banner Example |
John Peter Altgeld, Illinois Governor- Chicago History Museum, ICHi-09404; Schloss, photographer | Lucy Parsons - photo taken by Louis Gogler -courtesy of Wikimedia Commons |
Haymarket Strike - NBC News Learn via YouTube
The Tragic Story of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire - Buzzfeed Unsolved Network via YouTube
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